Thursday, September 8, 2016

topsail beach vacation - part III

It's really kind of amazing how I squeezed 3 posts out of a one week vacation where we all really just did the same thing over and over...

Eat. Beach. Sleep. {on repeat}

As promised, more pictures :) And very random :)

Ryan and Keaton playing in the water! 
The beach in your PJs is amazing. The beach in your PJs with Pop Pop is even better! Also, my Dad wore this shirt for Keaton and it cracked me up. It was funny and frightening all at the same time.  
We tackled this 1,000 piece puzzle we found in one of the closets and finished 2 days ahead of schedule ;0) By some miracle, it had all the pieces! Keaton thought he was big stuff helping Ryan.
Speaking of big stuff....

Look at him with no booster, eating outside on the deck. He and Penn LOVED eating outside!!
Poor Penn was teething for some of the week, so I didn't get many pictures of him because I was either holding him or he was sleeping. He rallied at the end, but it was touch and go for a bit in the middle there!

Side note: Penn almost has all of his teeth! The last 4 have almost popped through!!

He usually went down for his afternoon nap an hour or so after Keaton, so he and I snuck to the beach for some alone time one afternoon before his rest. He literally just ate goldfish the entire time :) 
One of the really nice things about vacationing with family was the chance for Ryan and I to have a date night :) 
We just went to dinner and ice cream, but it was a fun chance for me to let my hair down and wear dangly earrings without being afraid they'd get ripped out!

We ate at Ocean's Edge - a restaurant on the 7th floor of a local hotel. It had amazing views! You can kinda see the beach behind us was our attempt at getting ourselves and the beach, but it looks like we mostly got ourselves and the ketchup. haha
It was really a wonderful week!! 

Hurricane Hermine rolled in on our last day, which made for an exciting end to our stay.
We stuck it out and left with a little rain coming down Saturday morning. It really wasn't as bad as we thought it might be - just lots of rain and wind. Made for a good last day to do laundry, pack, watch Jaws, and finish another puzzle. 

Can't wait to go back next year! My 2 little loves are going to have so much fun playing together!!

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