Friday, October 2, 2015

rekp fall vacation - part 1

We're back!

I've been a little MIA these last few weeks, because we've been traveling! I decided to check out from a lot of things and just enjoy time with my family :)

Our first stop - my parent's house in NC! 

Ryan drove down with the boys and I, but had to leave for Atlanta, GA the next day to be at a work event for the week. We were bummed to see him go, but happy to visit with my parents for a few days before joining him.

We haven't made a trip to their house in SO long! It was way overdue. The last time we were down Keaton was just starting to sit on his own. It's much more fun when you can explore and do things {rather than just sit around}....

Like help Pop Pop feed the fish :)
 Or splash in the water. Whichever ;0)
Another must in a visit to Pullen Park! This is a great park about 20 minutes from my parents in downtown Raleigh. There was a train and K loved it! I think he liked watching it go around as much as riding it though...haha 
And a carousel!
Again, riding was okay, but I think he liked watching better :) 
Grammy, me and the morning!! 
A trip to the grandparents house isn't complete without a few sweet treats ;0) 

How do you do it Pop Pop?
 K, thanks! 
Nom Nom
Sunny Skys ice cream is my personal favorite :)

K kept turning to from my Dad and back to my Mom signing "more" for bites from both sides. I was smart and sat on a different bench so I could eat my ice cream in peace. hahaha He seemed to enjoy my Mom's sorbet the best.
We rounded off the week with more fish watching and just playing at the house.
The boys and I had a great week, but were super excited to drive to GA and see Daddy! 

Next up: our time in Georgia

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