Thursday, May 14, 2015

our family of FOUR

We've had a pretty exciting few weeks {months really} around here!

Our family has grown by one sweet little boy - we're now a family of FOUR!
Penn was born on April 29 and joined our family on May 1!!

We were chosen by a birth mother in March and are now in the process of adopting Penn! It has been busy and very exciting around here! We were away from home and with Penn for 9 days, so now we're just getting settled back at home and into a new routine with 2 little ones :)
Stay tuned for updates about our adoption journey!
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Krystal said...

Congratulations, that's amazing! Do you mind me asking what agency you went through?

Erin and Ryan said...

We are currently using Adoptions from the Heart. We'll be working with them until the adoption is finalized in a few months!

Bethany said...

Wow. Wow. WOW! I am so happy for you and your family! What amazing news.

Krystal said...

Awesome, thanks! If we ever try to adopt again we're going to go through a different agency so it's always great to get recommendations. :)

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