I can't believe my sweet chunk of love is 8 weeks old already!!
Look at that face - OH I LOVE HIM!!
We've had a fabulous 8 weeks together! I totally missed week 7....we were to busy snuggling and smiling at each other :)
Week 7 started off a little rough for us, but it was mostly in the evening and I'm pretty sure it was just because he was so tired. He fussed and fussed until I put him in his crib and then he conked out. Poor guy just needed some alone time to rest!
Keaton started sleeping through the night about 2 weeks ago. We thought it was fluke at first, but then he kept doing it! He has been sleeping 7-10 hours a night - good job little man! Growing is just plain exhausting. I know these long nights won't last, but we'll savor them for now :0)
He also dropped a feeding, but is continuing to gain weight like a champ! He nurses about 8-9x a day and tips the scales at 12lbs 7oz. We go to a breastfeeding support group every Tuesday where I have a chance to weigh him. It's nice to see the scale continue to go up....especially since he's been sleeping so much at night.
You sleep all you want sweet boy!
These last 2 weeks have been really fun. Keaton is starting to track objects and look at me, not past me to the nothing on the wall.
He loves it when I sing to him and gives me lots of smiles throughout the day. Mornings are still the best time of day for us!
He starts to get fussy around dinner {5-7pm} until bedtime {8-8:30pm}, however, the other evening Ryan was holding Keaton and he let out a super loud giggle. It was AMAZING. We both stopped what we were doing and looked at him. He was asleep so just having funny dreams I guess....still the best! He did it one other time, but I was too slow with the video. I hope his joyful soul grows with him :)
Keaton found his hands during week 7! I have to pay close attention so that rotten bib doesn't get in the way. I noticed him eating the bib a bunch, but really he was just trying to get his hands up to this mouth. I'm hoping this is a good signs he'll be self-soothing soon! It's so neat to watch him learn how to control his body.
He still spits up a whole lot throughout the day, but we're pretty much used to it. I don't even know what he looks like without a bib on anymore ;0) He has a touch of reflux and has been taking Zantac 2x a day - he hates it and we hate giving it to him. The face he makes is sooo pathetic!
My baby burrito has come a long way since his first few days with us. Just look at him before his big cheeks and chins... ohhhh sweet boy!
We love you Keaton! You make me cry with JOY almost every day!
Fun Facts Week 7&8:
*You tolerate tummy time - it's not your favorite though
*You gave big smiles to Daddy the other morning before he left for work - he loved it!
*You started taking a morning rest in your crib wearing the sleep sack with arms free
*Still drinking from a bottle for Daddy like a champ
*Took your first 2 1/2hr car trip!
*Met ALL your aunts, uncles, and cousins on Daddy's side :)
*Poop once a day
*Like to watch your owls bop around in your bouncer chair
*Sleep the entire time you're in your car seat {in the car or on walks}

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