Keaton Mark you are 2 months old today!
Just look how little you were at 2 weeks old!
And now at 2 months old!
I can't believe it's been 2 months since we welcomed you into our family! I say it all the time, but you have brought us so much happiness - you're the "happiness" in "harris happiness" ;-)
It still feels surreal to have you - we talked about you so much before you actually got here and now you ARE here! Mostly, we talked about your hair and if you'd be a redhead like Daddy...hahaha! Guess what?! You are -- well it's more like strawberry blonde, but definitely filling in more red every day :0)
The little Irish jig you did during our photo session tells me you like it...lots!
You really are a happy baby. You certainly have your fussy times, but overall are generally just chill.
Phinley still finds you very interesting and always likes to be apart of things. I took like 5 pics before I realized he was back there...
Hugs & Kiss my main squeeze!
Fun Facts 2 months:
*Suck on your hands
*Sleep between 9-10hrs a night
*Easily take a bottle from Daddy {as long as it's warm!!}
*Still sleep great in your car seat
*Turn your head toward sounds
*Love to listen to us sing - it calms you {most of the time}
*Love your activity mat and being on your back s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d out
*Just started really popping your head up nicely during tummy time - don't really cry, just fuss a little after a while
*Eat every 2 hours throughout the day, but go for a loooong stretch at night
*Get swaddled in the miracle blanket each night and use the sleep sack with arms out during a short crib nap in the AM
*Still nap "around the house" throughout the day - getting closer to being on a schedule
*Show signs of being very like to stare at other babies in the group we go to :) :) I would be your friend!! HA!

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