Sunday, February 17, 2013

second round of IVF

It's been another interesting month.

Mid-January we realized that with no fertilized eggs our IVF cycle would be cancelled. It was sad, but just another part of journey and a step closer to growing our family.

With each treatment they learn a little more about how my body responds to the medication and how to make things work more effectively.

We were extremely hopeful when we started treatment again for IVF Round 2 at RMA of Lehigh Valley -- a switch from our previous RE {reproductive endocrinologist}. It's an hour away from our house, but we thought it was worth the drive for a center that had pretty good live birth percentages.

It's actually a satellite branch from their main office in Basking Ridge, NJ. The retrieval and transfers are done in NJ -- all other treatment is at Lehigh Valley.

As soon as we knew the transfer from round 1 was cancelled, I was on the phone trying to make a consultation appointment and then get everything {blood work, U/S, etc} done before I started my cycle. I knew that I was ready to try again. It was a rush, by the grace of God everything worked out perfectly and I started my injections cycle day 3! We felt like it was a true blessing.

I had this feeling that God's hand was at work and we would undoubtedly walk away from this try with a little one. It's hard to explain my confidence -- I felt like I just knew.

Fast forward a week and I'm hearing things like "only 2 follicles," "low responder," "you're too young to only have 2" from my nurse and doctor.

Nice, huh?? ha ha

Apparently, I'm a "low responder." My medication was increased this round and I had fewer eggs than before. It's all so interesting to me. I asked specifically about doing the treatment back to back and it has no effect.

On the drive home { hour to just think} I started feeling down and then I said out loud and to myself, NO!" Darn it!! I'm going to see the positive in this whole situation if it kills me!

So that's what I'm doing....

First, it's a blessing that we only had 2 mature follicles and not 3 or 4 -- it made the decision to not do the retrieval so much easier. We have 4 complete IVF cycles covered by our insurance and don't want to use any more, unless we have a really really good follicle count!

Second, the blizzard up north prohibited my additional meds from being ordered and shipped overnight. I thought I would need them Sunday, but not the case. We saved a lot of $$ by not having to get them.

Third, my estrodial levels weren't super high, so we could perform an IUI {intrauterine insemination}. This cycle wouldn't be a waste! I was most worried that I would have gone through all the shots for absolutely nothing. Not the case! Praise God!  I definitely felt the effects of these bad boys more this time, but it will be worth it!!

Fourth, I really realized how strong I am emotionally and physically. I hope I don't sound conceited {!!}, but I didn't know I had it in me to give myself 2-3 shots a night. They hurt going in {not awful, but it's still a shot} and my whole abdomen area starts to hurt after a few days. If I want to be a Mom, this is nothing. Everything starts being put into prospective.

And finally, we're praying for a miracle.

We have some time to wait until we find out if the IUI worked, so until then we're praying non-stop for this simple procedure to work. God's hand has been in this since Day 1 and I don't doubt He plans on surprising us.

Whether it's on our 4th round of IVF or on an adoption -- He is faithful and hears the desires of my heart. Our future is in His hands. Thank goodness.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to  give you hope and a future."
James 29:11


Sarah said...

Praying for you guys every day. This brings tears to my eyes for so many reasons. You will be absolutely incredible parents regardless of how your precious little one comes into this world. Huge hugs to you both!

Andrea said...

Still praying for you. So glad that you could still do the IUI this cycle - the 2 ww is so tough!

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