Saturday, April 2, 2011

from treasure to trash

Part of packing means we need to say goodbye to certain things.

Namely, old art projects and school work.

I've gotten rid of all my high school papers, reports, tests. They've been dead and gone for years. It's so easy for me to do. I look through them once, then TRASH! I love to throw things away...I'm definitely not a pack rat. The less unless stuff we have around the house, the better.

It just goes with my clean and everything has a place or is in the trash personality.

Ryan is a different story.

Over the years we've been married, I've gotten him to go through most of his old work. He's been pretty great about just letting me throw it away, until we hit the art.

There's been a small stack of Ryan originals in the spare room closet that have been untouched for years. It was time to say good-bye.

Some pieces were easy, others, not so much.

This one in particular was on display at the state teen art fair in upper Jersey. It's hard to part with state winning work, but it had to go. I gave him the choice to dismiss 1 out of 2 and he chose this one.

When I started talking about needing room for OUR kids art work one day I think he knew it was time.

Sorry, hun. At least I let you keep the ugly unique twisty green florescent light {as long as it stays in the youth room at church!}.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

oh, the pain!!! I now understand why your house is so clean and mine is not!! I have emotional attachment to things that bring memories. (Ryan must get that from me) I still have Larry's college art work! And all of the letters he wrote to me when we were engaged and he was in KY and I was in NJ. (This is before cell phones and even calling cards)

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