Well....maybe not lion and tigers, but definitely church friends {and lots of babies!}
I hate camping. It's a simple fact that many people know about me, however, I love being around our church family so I made a deal with Ryan....
I'd go camping if there were lots of new babies, friends, weather around a cool 75 degrees, sun, a slight breeze, and good food.
With a promise of all of the above, I helped pack our car Friday night to go out in the scary, bug ridden wilderness for 1 night and 2 days.
And you know what....it was a blast! Well...the trip to the bathroom at 1am wasn't so much fun. Or the lack of sleep I got. Or the billion bug bites around my ankles, but overall I had a great time and do you know why?
Because I was with some pretty awesome people!
After a 6 mile run on Saturday morning, I tried to stay as lazy as possible.
I was doing a pretty good job until someone suggested going for a walk and it was so beautiful outside I couldn't resist!
There were {of course} babies on the walk so that bumped up my interest quite a bit. They are just so darn cute strapped in those strollers!
Ryan, Evan, Jess, Baby Eli, Crystal, Baby Charlotte, and Toddler Lucas made up part of the walking crew.
After the walk I was pretty tired and couldn't wait to get my hands on a little baby...the campsite was flooded with them! I can't say enough how much I admire the lovely ladies who had little babies camping with them! Granted, they slept a lot and had many hands around to help, but still!
Here I am with baby Vivian {she was born about 4 weeks ago!}. Don't you just love the name Vivian?
I'm not too crazy about my new do in this picture, but when you're camping in the depths of the forest {or a state park} who has time to actually do their hair?
I knew you would understand.
Ryan and I can't say enough how blessed we are to be a part of the Devonshire church family! We feel so welcomed and loved...it's more than I ever could have imagined for us :0)
P.S. I totally forgot my camera, so these few pictures were taken on my phone. If I had my camera there were be so much more!
Hope you have a great labor day weekend holiday!
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