Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sunday Basement Blessings!

I feel a little bad right now because I'm sitting on our new electric sofa with a drink to my right, my cell phone to the left, the computer on my lap, and sole control of the remote while Stutz and Ryan are working all around me. Oh, did I mention I was doing that in our basement!?!?

It's almost done!!!

I'm lounging (hard core) and they're getting the doors hung and trim installed :0) I'm soooo excited! I cannot wait until everything is finished and Ryan and I are both lounging! My job is to vacuum when they're all done :0)

I'll post some pictures when it's all complete....just a few more days!

I feel like this basement is all Ryan and I have been doing for the last year. I'm thankful for his dedication to get it done, but I do feel like we've missed out on some things because we've been busy all day Sat. and Sunday afternoon for the last 52 weekends. I'm sorry to any of our loyal friends who we haven't spent as much time with as we should have!

We are so blessed to have such great people in our lives!

God has blessed us with so many things! No just a finished basement (!), but a great church, friends, jobs, health, amazing families, and so much more! Thank you Jesus for all you are and all you have done for our family!

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