One of the things I most definitely wanted to get done was clean out the spare bedroom closet. It wasn't too out of control, but enough to bother me. I just knew there were little things in it that could be thrown away, donated, or organized a bit better.
You really can't see much of a difference, because it wasn't all that unorganized before, but now I know the trash is out and things are where I can access them. It will be amazing once our basement is finished and we have a special closet to store these:
Next we tackled our bedroom drawers. I couldn't get Ryan's drawers shut anymore so I made him clean them out. I ironed and refolded all my summer pants, shorts, & capris. It's getting hott here!
Ryan is nicely, gently, and oh so carefully putting back his folded t-shirts. This boy has 2 drawers full of only t-shirts!
He's so cute :0)
You can't see it here, but Ryan found a corduroy vest he bought at ON for $1. He never
wore it and when I asked him why he bought it, he said because he might need it for a costum one day. Oh dear.
Notice that green shirt by his left leg? He was so excited when he found this one! It says "I Race Tracters" on the front. I asked him if it fit, because I distinctly remebered it being way to small. He agreed that it was too small, but adamant about the fact that that was why it was so awesome.
I still don't understand.
And look what I found!! My wedding veil! It looks sooo good in my t-shirt and swishy shorts :0) I was going to try on my wedding dress (to see if it still fits), but I was just so darn hott! It's a lot of work getting those things on!
Wait-- did you say Ryan was FOLDING clothes! I wouldn't believe it without seeing a picture. WOW- marriage has been good for him!
I only mentioned that he might want to go through his drawers since they were getting so full and he agreed! I honestly think he had a good time going through his shirts and discovering some that had been buried deep in the back! haha
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