Friday, December 15, 2017

the random post

You knew this was coming...the post that just wraps up like the whole month of November at one time.

Really, though, it's all these little things that fill our days. 

We have a bunch of lazy days at home :) Keaton's best days are "jammy jam"- he hates getting his clothes changed. Haaaaates it. 
A few, but not many, trips to the Farmer's Market. Just when we got our FM donut routine down the weather got wet and cold. 
Wagon rides {these don't happen often because someone can't sit for that long and the other one doesn't like to be squished ;0)}
We've partied a little....
Okay maybe a lot. It's not polite to be offered cake and ice cream and then only choose one!
They had a gym reserved for a pinata and letting the kids run around. Keaton stood next to Ryan the entire time and watched all the kids play....
Penn lived up every second. HAHA
He's a wild boy on the outside and a snuggle bug on the inside. He's 
Or Ryan :) I mean isn't that the sweetest??
Chocolate World thrown in here and there & Thanksgiving at the end of the month {more of that coming}
And to end on a bang...
I can't love them more.

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