Tuesday, July 7, 2015

book worm

We have a serious book worm on our hands...
Keaton LOVES looking at books and having stories read to him. It's hard always getting to read to him when my hands are full of another little love, but we try to make it work. Most books he brings me I have memorized, so it's just a matter of him flipping the pages....without skipping a bunch ;0)

When I just can't read he'll go to his chair. It's adorable.

Crossed ankles. No pants. It's too much!!
Right now his favorite books are the ones with photographs of babies and animals. He has a pretty big selection, but I'm looking to get him more!

Any suggestions on books your kiddos just love?? 

 photo erinsignatureaqua_web1_zps89bdee36.png

1 comment:

shelleystirs said...

Yummy Yucky was a picture book my kids liked. It is about opposites. Very simple illustrations, which my kids loved. I can't remember the author's name, but I know she has a few books floating around.

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