Happy Birthday Keaton Mark!!
You are ONE today!
It literally feels like just yesterday I was walking around our neighborhood with contractions and getting ready to go to the hospital.
Has it really been 1 year??
I'm not sure where to even begin with all this; how about, thanks?
Thanks for making me a Mom.
Over the last few weeks you've really been showing me just how much you love me...you follow me around the house and cry when I put you down for naps. Sometimes you only want me to hold you :) You love your Daddy something fierce, but reach for me all the time.
{I also provide the milk, so that helps too. HA!}
K-man, you're our little stinker. You're getting into mischief left and right these days!! When you're moving on 2 feet I'm not sure what I'll do! I love to watch you explore, though, and discover new things. There really isn't anything quite like seeing the world through your eyes.
I credit a lot of that happiness to your ability to sleep - a good rest does everyone good! You have slept through the night every.single.night. since you were 6 weeks old. Through getting teeth, growing, being sick, you name it...you are our sleeper! It's incredible and certainly has not been taken for granted. I hope it's a habit you continue for a looooong time :) :)
You are ONE today!
It literally feels like just yesterday I was walking around our neighborhood with contractions and getting ready to go to the hospital.
Has it really been 1 year??
I'm not sure where to even begin with all this; how about, thanks?
Thanks for making me a Mom.
Over the last few weeks you've really been showing me just how much you love me...you follow me around the house and cry when I put you down for naps. Sometimes you only want me to hold you :) You love your Daddy something fierce, but reach for me all the time.
{I also provide the milk, so that helps too. HA!}
K-man, you're our little stinker. You're getting into mischief left and right these days!! When you're moving on 2 feet I'm not sure what I'll do! I love to watch you explore, though, and discover new things. There really isn't anything quite like seeing the world through your eyes.
You got sick for the first time this month. Like the stomach bug sick - it wasn't fun for you or Mommy! It was SO SAD! You didn't eat for 5 days and lost a little weight, but now you're doing fine and eating everything in sight!! It's so good to have my happy boy back! I say going almost an entire year without any major illness is pretty darn good!
Keaton, if I could sum up this last year in one word it would be : JOYFUL
I swear you were born smiling :) You have filled this family with more happiness than I could have ever imagined. Even on days when we were all covered in spit up and poop we laughed and smiled because God gave us you and your joyful soul.
Keaton, I don't know what I can say now that I haven't said in the last 11 months. It's an honor to be your Mommy. I could kiss you all day long and not miss a thing. You are our little miracle baby and when I look at you I have hope for so many others who are struggling to grow their family. All things are possible with God.
Children are a heritage from the Lord,
offspring a reward from Him.
Psalm 127:3
Fun Facts: 12 Months
*Weighs: 22lbs
*Length: 29"
*Wears size 3 diaper
*Size 12-18 month clothes - all 12 month items are getting snug
*Sleeps 7:30-7:00/30
*Naps 2x a day: 9:00 for around 1hr & 1:30/2 for around 1.5 hours {sometimes he'll take a 3rd nap before bed if he takes a shorter afternoon one}
*Nurses 4x a day
*Crawls on his knees with super speed
*Can pull up on anything and still walks with walker
*Likes to rip up toilet paper and play in the bathroom
*Reading and bath are his favorite things to do. He gets very excited when we tell K it's bath time!
*Knows who Mom, Dad, & Phinley are
*New favorite food is crunchy wagon wheels
*Size 4 shoe
*8 teeth
*Knows where his feet are and tries to put on socks and shoes
*Loves to go outside and gets excited when we start getting ready to go out
*Doesn't like being in his car seat
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