*Before I begin, let me just say that every.single.time. I think about the wedding I kick myself for not bringing my big camera. Whhhyyyyy??? I have no excuses. Pardon me while I go pout in the corner more.*
Ryan's sister, Shannon, got married on Friday!!!
Ryan's sister, Shannon, got married on Friday!!!
You mean she's taken for good?!?
Sorry K-man, Auntie Shannon is off the market.
I feel like we've been preparing for this day since I first met Shannon over 6 years ago...she was still in high school then, but knew her dream guy was out there somewhere!
I am SO HAPPY for her and Ted! We met Ted last summer and just knew he was a keeper :)
Festivities started on Thursday night with the rehearsal and dinner....Keaton said he wanted to be my date & I happily obliged.
Ryan was pretty sick all week and weekend so he kept his distance from Keaton and myself. After a little hand santitizer he was willing to take this quick pic with K - they match 0:-)
THE couple of the weekend! They aren't looking or posing at.all. and still look amazing. I predict gorgeous children in their future. Just sayin'...
The wedding was Friday evening and my little family spent the morning at Urgent Care, Target pharmacy, and Hair Cuttery. Ryan had a nasty cold/flu all week and woke up on Friday morning with pink eye {ohmyword} - the poor guy. He would have just gone to his regular Dr {he was there a few days prior}, but since we were traveling, UC had to do. We got drops at Target and then his hair cut, which we planned to get done earlier in the week but he was just too sick to do it.
By 2:30 all was good and we were headed to the church!
My parents watched Keaton in the church nursery during the service so Ryan and I could watch without a major cute {or possibly fussy} distraction :) It was a huge blessing!!
Ryan walking his Mom down the isle.
Andrew and Ethan were SO cute running walking down the isle as ring bearers - a little too quick for a pic ;0) I love this picture though - so much going on! haha!

My niece, Alayna, as the flower girl :)
I love this picture - Lynn looks SO happy watching Shannon walk towards her groom...
Shannon looked like she stepped right out of BRIDES magazine - just stunning
Ted was cool and calm the entire time :)
And I will add...they aren't only gorgeous - these 2 truly have a heart for the Lord and others
The KISS!!!
As you can see here, the bridal party wasn't any fun at all ;0) This wedding was all about having FuN and everyone did!!
Love my little family!!!
The reception was AMAZING! Again...so beautiful and full of life!!
I was too busy chatting, eating, and staring at the awesomeness of the room to get many pictures, but I did get one from the father-daughter dance....
And the 3 brothers with their sister!
I couldn't be happier for Shannon & Ted!
Keaton did great with my parents and fell asleep in his little travel crib about 15mins after we left :) He was so great all weekend - such a perfect little babe!

1 comment:
You dress Keaton so cute. Love the hat!
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