What in the world happened to June?!?
And just like that....it's July!
We're putting our seat belts on over here, because it looks like it's going to be a pretty busy month for us! All wonderful things, just busy!
In a few days, we head to the beach for a week with Ryan's family. It's the first time we're traveling with Keaton for more than one night AND it's Keaton's first visit to the beach, so that's all pretty exciting :)
We were trying on some hats this week to get ready for fun in the sun....
He has been sleeping so well in his crib at night....I pray it continues through our trip!!
What do you think little man?? Will you be a good boy for Mommy??
OF COURSE YOU WILL! You're basically a just a pile of love perfection at this point - can't really do much wrong ;0)
We have VBS at our church the week after we get back and then I'm headed to Raleigh to visit my parents for a week while Ryan also {randomly} heads to Raleigh with our church's youth group for a mission trip. We're traveling separate, but will both be in Raleigh at the same time.
Sooo...that's 8hrs in the car with a dog and a baby by myself. I'm up for the adventure, but definitely thinking things through starting now {any tips on taking a 12 week old in the car for 8hrs??}. Thankfully, he likes to sleep in his car seat :)
Throw in 3 doctor appointments, a hair appointment, a pedicure, and a wedding rehearsal and it pans out to be a full month, especially compared to the recent lax weeks we've had.
Someone is beat and it's all just getting started!
It's no big secret that traveling, shopping, etc with a baby takes more energy but it's SOOOOO much better! I love having Keaton with me...even if he does hog the entire grocery cart with his car seat - ha! Being a Mommy is the best and his Daddy and I can't wait to share in all the fun with him this month!

My only travel advice is this...stop frequently to nurse! Baby boy will probably sleep a lot so it is tempting to keep driving a little longer and spread out feedings. Don't do it! That is how I ended up with mastitis one time:( Oh and always bring your pump...even if you don't think you will need it.
Good luck and have fun with family!
the shot of him in the hat is SO CUTE, Erin! GAH! :D
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