We knew from the time the U/S tech said "it's a boy!" that we wanted our son's middle name to be Mark, my Dad's first name.
Keaton's name came straight from a baby book and means "place of hawks" - ha! His first name really has no significance and just something we liked and hadn't heard before. To us, his middle name holds all the meaning.
My Dad is a special man to me and I feel so blessed to have him as my son's Pop-Pop!

Keaton is to little for adventures with his Pop-pop right now, but trust me...my Dad is always looking for an adventure! It won't be long before these 2 are off exploring, getting dirty, eating sweets exclusively for breakfast, wrestling, and having FuN :)
Our little guy is already looking up to his Pop-Pop! Happy Father's Day, Dad! Thanks for being such a blessing in our life and now our son's life!
Keaton's name came straight from a baby book and means "place of hawks" - ha! His first name really has no significance and just something we liked and hadn't heard before. To us, his middle name holds all the meaning.
My Dad is a special man to me and I feel so blessed to have him as my son's Pop-Pop!

Keaton is to little for adventures with his Pop-pop right now, but trust me...my Dad is always looking for an adventure! It won't be long before these 2 are off exploring, getting dirty, eating sweets exclusively for breakfast, wrestling, and having FuN :)
Our little guy is already looking up to his Pop-Pop! Happy Father's Day, Dad! Thanks for being such a blessing in our life and now our son's life!
And Keaton wouldn't have such an incredible Daddy like Ryan without his Dad, we love you Larry!
Your love and dedication to your family is so evident. As a wife and now, Mommy, I'm so thankful for all you taught Ryan. We're blessed to have you as our Dad and Keaton's other Pop-pop - lucky us & lucky him!!
Happy {early} Father's Day to these 2 wonderful men!

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