Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Phin-dog LOVES to be outside.

When we lived in our townhouse, the only real option was to have him outside on the leash all the time. I walked him twice a day and occasionally sat outside while he kept up with the neighborhood.

One of the things Ryan and I both looked forward to the most about moving was having a yard for Phinley to run around in! He would have his own space! With that, came the installment of a new hidden electric fence. You know the kind -- with the flags all around the yard :0)

Ryan installed it 2 weeks ago and this past Saturday, after a week of phase 1 training, we decided to take off the rubber stoppers on the collar and test him with the shock.

Part of the testing is to have 2 people: one person to hold the leash and the other to walk past the barrier and test the dog to make sure he stays.

Since Phinley is my little buddy, I was the test walker.

He did GREAT! Stayed put without any tugging on the leash.

I thought we might make it through the whole process without him getting shocked: wrong! I was so hopeful!

It wasn't until the poor little guy was just sniffing around in the back yard and lost sense of his boundaries when get got, well, zapped.

Although I know it's for his own good, it was still....AWFUL!

Ryan pulled him back and I turned around with my hands over my face crying. Ha! I just couldn't help myself!

I love that little dog!

I know Phin will catch on and really love the freedom in the yard, but until he learns a little more I'm going to just stay inside and let Ryan do more of the training!!

And for those of you wondering....no, I'm not a big wimp for crying!

And yes, Ryan will be taking in all of our children to get their shots!

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