Thursday, December 3, 2009

Josh & Becky Are Married!!

Josh and Becky got married over Thanksgiving weekend!
You might remember Josh from our wedding day - he's the one on the far right (with the facial hair!).

Naturally, we were more than happy when he asked Ryan to be one of his groomen -- of course he would do it!

So, Ryan got his tux and we braced ourselves for an event filled party weekend. It met all of our expectations (and beyond)!! We had a lovely time at the rehearsal dinner, wedding, and reception!!

I took my role of "wife to someone who's in the wedding" by taking a million pictures, well....270 to be exact. What else was I going to do? Besides, it takes me a couple hundred to get 5 good ones and I didn't want to risk walking away from that wedding without at least 5 good pictures!!

The harp and flute sounded beautiful as we waited for the wedding to start! They played Christmas music too, which was a big plus!

There's my man -- one in from the far right. He's next to the guy that looks just like him :0)

Becky and Josh are married! Becky looked stunning that day -- she really glowed!

The Cervone family (Paul, Becky, Josh, Rosanne) -- they are so great!

Ryan and I waiting to get into the cocktail area for some munchies :0)!! There's always something about sitting through a wedding that makes me ravenous!

Marissa and Jason, oh these 2 are so cute!

Three Harris jokesters.
Cute one honey :0)

These centerpieces were gorgeous AND we sat with the girl who created them! She was a florist in TN (I think that's the right state) who happened to be the sister of the best man and home for Thanksgiving, so she made them. AMAZING! I loved the cranberries in the bottom!!

They danced their first dance to "The Luckiest" by Ben Folds Five. Does that sound familiar? I think I know another couple that used that same song ;0)
Mother-son dance - precious!

The photographer from the wedding took this picture with our camera...thanks Julio!

OH! This is Uncle Joe! He's Becky's uncle and used to be a professional Elvis impersonator! He was amazing and totally made my night! He did a few numbers and sounded just like Elvis, but ironically looked a lot like Rod Stewart. I think every family needs at least one professional impersonator.
Speaking of performances, I did my own little number....well, me and the King Cervone Lame Ducks. I was priviledged enough to be chosen from my table to go to the basement of the reception hall, pick a blow up instrument, sunglasses, and come back upstairs with "the band" for a special number.

Don't ask me how I got so lucky, I'm not sure why or how these things happen to me, but whatever it was it also happened to Lynn (she loved it more than me....just trust me).

Time to cut the cake! My dream came true at this wedding because before they cut the cake they came around with a tray of desserts for each table and THEN they came around with cake!! Two desserts at one wedding?? Yay baby!

Because of obligations at church, Ryan and I had to leave right after the wedding. The reception was about 3hrs from our house, so when we left around 9:30pm we knew we wouldn't get home until after midnight.
On the drive home we stopped so Ryan could get some much needed coffee and fill up the tank. It was pretty cold that night and instead of Ryan getting his own jacket, he grabbed the first one he could....mine.
Thanks, honey. He looked absolutely ridiculous, yet at the same time stylishly warm. Notice the feminine colar :0)
It takes a real man to wear his wife's coat while he's pumping gas at a rest stop.

He's my hero.

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