Keaton Mark you turned 3 months old last Thursday {7.24.14}!
We celebrated in NC with your Grammy & Pop Pop :)
Between having fun with G&P, taking care of you, and keeping track of Phinley, I was just not on top of taking many pictures or updating the blog....oops! Oh well! We'll catch up now...
So far -- you're pretty great at being 3 months old 0:-)
You are responding more to people and just as happy as ever!
Tummy time has been going well, but playing with your mat toys is still a favorite. You had a blast on this one at Grammy's house! You really super gripped that ukulele on the bottom right {kinda hard to see because someone's furry head is in the way} :)
Phinley still keeps a pretty close eye on you and now you're starting to watch him. You'll eyeball him when he approaches you and I can tell you want to put your hand out and touch his fur. Soon enough you'll be able to grab his tail!
You just love to get attention and have someone talk to you -- you're still a good listener, but you're becoming much more vocal and like to say your piece! haha
We all think you are looking more and more like Daddy. Sometimes I see myself in you, but mostly just your Dad {which I think is fantastic!}. Either're the cutest baby I've ever seen. Ever.
K-man, I can't imagine loving you more, but I know it will happen. You make me smile Daddy & I don't know what we'd do without you!
Fun Facts 3 Months:
*Sleeps between 10-12hrs straight through the night
*Cooing a lot more!
*Can keep head up during tummy time for an extended length of time
*Weighs 14.10lbs {official Dr scale}
*25" long
*Wears size 1 diaper, but can fit in size 2
*Wears 3-6 month clothes
*Doesn't mind riding in the car
*LOVES to watch the trees outside
*Tracks objects like a champ
*Eats 7x a day
*Naps well & consistently throughout the day, but will often skip last nap and be awake from 4-bedtime {7ish}
*Loves getting and giving kisses :)
*Took first major road trip to North Carolina

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