Tuesday, April 14, 2009

New Furniture!

Last night we moved out the old plaid furniture we had in our living room. It was red and green plaid. Well warn, but still comfy. Ryan got it for a great deal just before he moved into the townhouse we now both live in.

It wasn't ugly, but it wasn't super awesome either. Very doable. Since Ryan will be finishing the basement mid-summer we knew we needed to get some new pieces...so we would have something to sit on! We decided to move the plaid downstairs and replace it with something new. Brand spakin' new. Yay!

SO...since the new pieces were coming today, Ryan and I had to move out the old/new to the basement sofa, loveseat, and recliner to the garage for storage last night. All 7 pieces wouldn't fit in our living room - go figure.

It was a struggle. At one point I said to Ryan, "I can't do this. I'm to weak. Let's ask one of the neighbors." If you know me...this is not something that would normally come out of my mouth. If someone told me I couldn't move out the sofa I would likely say, "oh yeah?! watch me" and attempt to do it alone until I hurt myself. haha

Needless to say, my arms did it. They not only carried and heaved it through a door on its side....they lifted it ABOVE my shoulders onto a stack of dry-wall in our garage. The stack was up to my shoulders. I'm not kidding. Then, we had to move it off the dry-wall onto the garage floor, between another pallet of doors, knobs, lights, and other constructiony stuff.

The same went for the loveseat. But instead of simply moving if off the dry-wall stack, we had to flip it onto the sofa.

I (we) are awesome.

After a high-five I closed my eyes and pictured all of the items below.....

A large chair and ottoman....

A brown sofa with lots of pillows...

The same sofa in a different light....

A loveseat fit for a queen (ahem, me)....
And when I opened, YAY!, it was all real.
Uh huh - perfect fit.


Anonymous said...

If you are looking for online Leather Loveseat in contemporary designs, here is one I found that offers a comprehensive selection.

Emily said...

Oh my gosh -- it looks so awesome! I love the new furniture in your room. I'm kind of surprised that it all fits, but it looks great! Maybe I'm just used to seeing the "ugly" pillows on my couch, but they're kind of growing on me. It doesn't look bad at all. I'm coming over to hang out soon! (We need to live closer so the men can do all of the heavy lifting -- Drew and I have been there too!)

Erin and Ryan said...

Thanks Emily! We're happy with the fit of all the pieces too :) I think I may make covers for the pillows, but for now the "circle" ones will do. They don't look as bad as I thought they would! Please do come over....asap!

Lynn said...

Wow, love the new furniture! Can't wait to see it.

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