Happy Birthday Penn!
You are FOUR!
How on earth did that happen?!?
Penn was super excited for his birthday this year!! He kept saying "it's my birthday number 4!" He's a big fan of The Muppet Babies these days, but they don't sell those party supplies, so we went with PJ Masks. It's been neat to see him start to have his own interests this year...and not just like what Keaton liked. He actually has a very strong opinion about most things π
One of Penn's favorite things to do is be outside and ride his "thomas bike." He got a bell for his "birthday number 4" and it's fantastic! He would ding that bell and ride all over the neighborhood if I let him! He also loves his scooter, plasma car...basically anything on wheels π No fear either. I've watched him fly straight over the handle bars and get back up and keep going. I've also watched him bump his knee into a pillow and need me immediately for a hug and kiss.
Two words: the dog. π
He was pumped about his presents! I wasn't entirely sure what to get him, but these locks were a hit (I got them on sale!)
And this razor kit so he could be just like Daddy π He talks about using Ryan's razor all.the.time and so we thought he needed his own!
Penn also likes to do yard work like Ryan. He asks every day if he can mow the lawn or use the weed wacker. He knows all the outdoor tools (inside ones too...adjustable wrench or plumb bob anyone?!)
Penn is one special boy. He's had a big year this year and we've seen a lot of growth in his maturity and development. When he was 2.5 we had him tested by early intervention and he qualified for speech and OT. He's behind across the board and we're doing all we can to help him succeed!
I don't want to go into too many details right now, but it's been a hard, yet awesome year for Penn! We're constantly trying to figure out what works best for him and how he learns well.
He's recently figured out he can get out his bed at nap time and nighttime and so that's our newest adventure!Along with the potty training journey that's ever evolving π
He's our firecracker and definitely keeps me on my toes all day long! I'm not sure I've been changed by anyone else as much as I have by this little guy in the last 4 years!
Love you P-man!