Happy Birthday Keaton!
My sweet boy, I can't believe that you are 3!
You're a three year old in every sense of the word. Wanting to do everything on your own. Coming up with your own ideas. Wanting to play with the big boys, but still needing Mommy for kisses and hugs all throughout the day.
You make Daddy and I laugh every.single.day. You talk non-stop and it's hilarious to hear the things that come out of your mouth. You're personality is starting to seriously shine and I LOVE IT.
Some of the things you like to do right now are....
Play with stickers - no mess, lots of variety, and easy to do. It's a win-win :)
You love play dough, but always eat it so we can't keep it out long. You know you're not suppose to eat it, but that's part of the fun {I guess??} sneak it when Mom's not looking.
You love to "ride" your bike and be outside! You use the pedals occasionally, but prefer to scoot around using your feet.
We've had this 4-wheeler power wheels {thanks cousin Owen for the hand me down!} and you've been too afraid to ride, until just recently. You watched some of the neighbor boys riding their power wheels and decided you were ready! You've never been one to lead the pack, so it made sense to Daddy and I to see you follow their lead. You still need to get the steering down, but are 2 thumbs up at forward and reverse! You show us new things you can do every day.
Daddy made you this rock box for spring/summer and you were so excited! You like to dig, pour, collect.
In short, you love all things outside - except spiders and bugs. You freak out a little when you see those :)
K-man you're still very much an avid reader! Now you read US stories. You don't always get the words right, but you know the story line and go from there. It's adorable!!
Books, cards, picture albums...if it has pages you like to read it.
{Yes, that's Penn in the metal toy crate.}
At 3 years old you use the potty full time! You were ready a few months ago and so we decided to go for it! I never thought I'd have a boy that was potty trained before 3, but you never cease to amaze us.
You sleep in a big boy bed and do all the things big boys do now. You still eat like a champ and will try new foods without too much hesitation...most of the time ;0) You'd rather eat sweets than real food, but you're my son, so that makes sense!
You're not really a neat nick, but like to clean up your table messes right away. You're not interested in cleaning up toys, but if there's sprinkle cheese on the floor you'll run and get the broom. If we get out a ton of toys sometimes you'll look over everything and say very defeated "ohhhh look at this mess" and throw your hands up in the air. haha
Of all the ways we've seen you grow over the last year, by far the most rewarding is seeing how you've grown in your relationship with Penn. You've become a full on big brother and it's amazing to see!
He's becoming more of a person and less of a thing to you. Just last week you were saying things like... "Maybe Penn wants to play?" "Can Penn play too?" "I'm going to play with Penn."
There are definitely times he bugs you, interrupts "our" time together, or destroys something you have set up and are playing with, but you're very patient with him.
If he's not already awake, the first thing you say when I go in to get you in the morning is..."where's Penn? Have to wake up Penn!" and then try to run past me to get to his door.
You share very well with him and if he's crying you get him his bear, talk to him with comforting words, or slid him a drink or snack I told him he couldn't have. HA You 2 are starting to work together and I secretly love it.
I think he'd follow you anywhere K-man.
You are one special boy Keaton Mark! I can't wait for you to wake up in the morning and miss you when you go to bed. We both love your afternoon naps though ;0) It's hard to believe it's been 3 years since we first met you. I love you more than I thought I could every love anyone.
Shine on Super Keaton! Daddy and I pray God continues to grow in your heart and that you're a light wherever you go. He has big things in store for you - we just know it!
Fun Facts - 3 years
*Sizes- 3/4T in shirt, 3T pants, 8 shoe
*Says - everything :)
*Favorite toys/activity - Go-go {run around the downstairs with Mom & Dad}, bounce house, pillow game {gets pillows piled on top of him}, ice cream set, Dr kit
*Favorite foods - ice cream, donuts, grapes, blueberries, apples, pepperoni, sprinkle cheddar cheese, yogurt
*Favorite place to visit - Chocolate World
*Favorite books - Pete the Cat, Hoot
*Favorite TV shows - Daniel Tiger, Curious George, Owlegories
*Favorite songs - BIBLE, Caspar Babypants songs
*Favorite animals - penguin
*Favorite color - blue
*Favorite bath toy - popsicle bath {eats popsicle in the bath!}
*Favorite character - Daniel Tiger
*Favorite brother - Penn ;0)
*Favorite shirt - Elmo t-shirt from last year
*Favorite pants - cozy {sweat} pants
*Favorite shoes - natives
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