Monday, January 2, 2017

christmas in NC {suggly sweater 5k}

The day after presents we all got bundled up and headed to the Suggly Sweater 5K! Ryan and I are trying to run a 5K in each state and thought it would be a good time to check NC off our list! 

We thought it might be chilly to run in NC in December, but not freezing. Like super super cold. It was basically torture. The poor kids!! My mom kept Penn in the van and my Dad had Keaton out all bundled up while we ran. I have literally never been so cold in a race before.

Right before...
My Dad snapped a few pics of us on the course and finishing! We never get pictures so that was fun :)

Right at the beginning was this awful loop through a field. Seriously awful. I couldn't feel my legs because they were so cold and there were potholes and other brush. Did I mention it was awful??

Ryan's ahead of me here and just finishing the first loop. I was too quick and my Dad wasn't expecting me to be right behind him so he missed me ;) OKAY with me - I probably looked beat and we were just starting!
While we were at mile 2, Keaton was finishing the race in first place!!
Fast forward 10 minutes and I came in.... 
 Ryan is the runner in our family. He ran in high school and college and is just a natural. Recently, he hasn't had as much time to train and so I took full advantage. It will me! I'm actually still shocked I passed him, but I did and will probably let either of us forget it ;0)
Not long after me!
It wasn't our fastest 5K time, but the course was hard and it was SO cold!! Amazingly enough, I did get 2nd place in my age group {out of 158} and 6th overall female! I think everyone got slowed down by the cold! 

After it was all said and done Ryan said "I'm never running a race in winter again. Ever." ha!

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