Ryan had off a good bit of time before Christmas, but then was scheduled to work night shift the weekend of Christmas, which meant the boys and I were on our own.
I'll be honest: it totally stunk. I'm very thankful for Ryan's job and know that working holidays is part of it, but of course I'd rather have him home :)
I was determined to make it a special weekend for the boys...even though they're too young to remember and one was throwing up for part of it. I'll just tuck it all into the "what was I thinking" folder I have going ;0)
Christmas Eve!
Any stay at home Mom knows that days can get l-o-n-g when you're home all day with little ones, so on Christmas Eve we ventured out first thing to Target! Why not?? It actually wasn't crowded and with Penn not feeling 100% he rode in the shopping cart no problem {it was kind of a Christmas miracle!}.
I had planned to go there and home, but as we were driving into Hershey, Keaton saw a sign for Hershey's Chocolate World and asked to go - he was so excited :0) Why not?? It's Christmas Eve!!
My 2 best little loves and I on the ride!
We came home, ate lunch, napped, and kept things low key the rest of the night. I made this candy cane danish to take a friend's house Christmas morning after church and the boys were in bed relatively early.
The next morning {Christmas!} I just had one present under our tree. Keaton and I read a book earlier in the month called The Sparkle Box about a family that has a special present for Jesus {the sparkle box} under their tree. It was filled with slips of paper that included acts of service they had done. Keaton really took to it!
I decided to make our morning a little bit special by having our own sparkle box. I wrote down a few things and added a lollipop for K. Oh he was so excited!! The lollipop was a HUGE hit!!
Penn was still sleeping at this point...so Keaton and I opened the Sparkle Box and filled him in later ;0)
{And yes that's a top of a clean dish wand next to Keaton. He slept with it. Don't ask. haha}
Keaton carried his lollipop around all day, put it on his dresser at night, and then had it the next day while we opened presents until it got left behind on the floor and the dog ate it. HAHA!
I read a few verses of the Christmas story from Luke and then Penn was up so I got the boys breakfast.
We went to church and then our framily's house for brunch and to exchange presents ;) I'm so thankful to have such good friends that take us in on the holidays! It's not the first Christmas I've spent with them! I know it's a super special family time, but they always welcome us with open arms!!
And just to make sure we're keeping things real here....
From the time I closed my Bible app --> bedtime it was a day. A crazy day. A blah day. A day you call out to God for patience and strength kind of day. The boys were in serious moods! I've never seen Keaton melt down so many times and poor Penn just wasn't himself. I should have just stayed home, but sometimes when we go out it shifts moods and burns up time and it all doesn't seem so bad. And that's kind of what happened....the boys did great at church and our friends, but then once we got home it was downhill.
I thought Penn was over his little sickness, but he didn't nap and got SO fussy! I thought maybe he had an ear infection, so we sang Happy Birthday to Jesus, ate ice cream cake, and then I loaded us all up and headed to urgent care to get him checked out.
He was fine. *eye roll*
I'm sure this will shock many of you, but after that visit we got home and Penn was back to normal. Laughing, eating, playing....etc. GO FIGURE. HAHA
Just making memories over here...
And tomorrow we celebrate Christmas with Ryan and presents!! Woohoo!
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