Wednesday, November 2, 2016

keaton mark - 2.5 years

K is getting so close to 3 over here - ohhh myyy goodddness! He's 2.5 and I think getting better with age ;0)

I can hardly handle it. Or him. He's seriously a little gentleman.

I think these next 2 pictures sum him up perfectly....

When we're out and about he's quiet, shy, very observant, hesitant to try new things. Here we're at our church's fall festival and at one point his hands were cold so he put them in his pocket and just stood there looking at everyone....
But as soon as we're behind closed doors {or in the van} he's a funny and talkative boy. He sings along to music and asks lots of questions. The question he asks the most is "what's that noise?" He has some pretty good ears because he hears all kinds of things I don't :)
Some of Keaton's favorite things to do as a 2 and 1/2 year old are...

Bounce in the bounce house {with fire hat on, of course}...
"Get cozy" and watch music videos or Daniel Tiger... 
Go to Chocolate World.... 
Especially with Pop-Pop... 
Go to the zoo..
 And eat candy!! Any candy will do, but chocolate, gummy bears, and lollipops are his current favorites!
These are just a handful of fun things Keaton does on a daily basis - it's no wonder he's in a good mood most days!!
He's been throwing more fits recently and gets frustrated with toys then throws them on the ground, but overall K is a very patient and gentle boy. He swings between jumping off the sofa one day to laying around the house reading books the next. He's fairly predictable and I can count on him to give me lots of hugs and kisses regardless of his mood.

Speaking of hugs, just recently he started saying "I need big hug!!" Oh my. It's so cute! It's good that I'm his Mom, because giving big hugs is a natural gift I have :) He also likes to snuggle. Ahhhh it's adorable. I find him saying "snuggle snuggle awww" to his little toys and stuffed animals and then brushing noses with them. Here he is just about to lay a big snuggle on Ernie :) 
Keaton continues to be a good eater and sleeper. He loves his bed and jumps up and down before I put him in at night. He sleeps with a little pillow, penguin, rabbit, and blanket. He likes to be covered up with his blanket and sucks his thumb and twirls his ear as he falls asleep. He also loves to wear his jammies around the house all day long.

I wish I could remember every single detail about K at this age. He makes me laugh all the time. He also makes me watch what I say because he's a recorder and repeats things verbatim. It's kind of scary!
Keaton you have a soft and gentle soul. You're smart, thoughtful, and a little love. I'm not sure what we'd ever do without your hugs, kisses, and snuggles. I pray each day that God grows in your heart and the sweetness we see at home transfers to your little friends at school and other people you meet. You're a special little boy!

We love you!

Fun Facts - 2.5 years
*Weighs - 30lbs 4oz
*Height - 38"
*Sleeps - 7:45pm --> 7/7:30am
*Naps - 1:00pm -->3:30/4
*Favorite foods - candy, applesauce packs, apples, pepperoni, sweet lebanon bologna, orange sprinkle cheese {cheddar cheese grated}, fruit snacks, sweet potatos, ice cream
*Favorite books - Curious George, Little Critter, Clifford
*Favorite toys - he rotates through them all pretty evenly
*Favorite show - Daniel Tiger
*Favorite color - blue
*Buckles his chest buckle in his car seat
*HATES wearing jeans and any clothes with buttons
*Counts to 15 & knows ABC...when singing the ABC song ;0)
*Likes riding trains

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