Friday, March 18, 2016

meeting noel

Just one day after Valentine's Day, on February 15, my newest little nephew was born!

Welcome Noel August!
He's such a little sweetie <3 p="">

Ryan and I couldn't wait to meet him, so we took the kids for a day trip just about 2 weeks after he was born.
I actually had made plans with my oldest sister, Jenn, to visit the following weekend without the kids, but Ryan and the boys wanted to meet Noel for themselves so we packed up in the car and took off! 

Except, I'm pretty sure for an almost 2 year old, toys will trump new babies any day. Even really girly ones. haha
I think Ryan is smiling at baby Noel here ;0)
My sister and her new family of FIVE! Wow! It's hard to believe she has 3 kids, but I can't imagine her not now too...funny how that works! 
Our day trip was great, but the real treat for me was being able to visit the very next weekend! It's amazing how much Noel changed just after 1 week!

Swaddled up and cozy in his miracle blanket :)
Tooting up a storm and sleeping on Aunt Jenn - she had a knack for getting toots {and other stuff ;0)} out!
Look at him! 

It's still a big toss up whether he looks like his mommy or daddy...only time will tell I think. Maybe a perfect combo??
 We love you Noel!! Welcome to the family :)

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