Saturday, February 13, 2016

life lately

We've been really living it up around here this last week! 

Ryan had his long stretch of time off, so we enjoyed spending a lot of time together as a family :) 

The boys having a little morning chat at the table.
{Notice the packaging on the chairs? We were still deciding about keeping them at this point. We did! }
 Keaton LOVES applesauce packs, so I decided to buy a kit and try to make my own. I went a little adventurous at first and started with sweet potato. You can't really suck sweet potato out of a pack - next time I'll add a little water so it's a bit more smooth! K wasn't a huge fan, so I've since switched to just jarred applesauce. 

I think once he gets used to the new look, I'll try a few veggies again.
Last Friday we took the boys to Wegmans then Chick-Fil-A for lunch! It was packed, but they didn't mind. Give Keaton some chicken nuggets and he's good to go!
I told him to say cheese and he did! He's been saying "chee" when I pick up my phone now - it's hilarious.
Such a little stud! Love him!
Sunday night, Ryan had the teen boys over for a Super Bowl party at our house, so the little boys and I went to eat watch with our small group friends!

K was less interested in the game and more interested in cruisin' around to pick up chicks. I think we need one of these :)
Penn was wore out completely from the SB fun the night before, so after a loooong Monday morning nap we went to get his social security card! We have Penn's birth certificate, so this is really the last thing we need to do to make it all official! We opted for some Mexican food downtown before the long wait in the office....
 His card should be here in a few weeks! Just in time for taxes ;0)

I wish Penn was as excited about his new SS number as he is about the dog. We waited a long time in that office...with a lot of interesting people! haha 

This boy LOVES Phinley!!
He also loves to follow us around, namely Keaton, and get into mischief.

Raiding the pantry....
We just love having Daddy home! He's such a big help around the house and since a lot of our big projects are done we could just bum around together as a family!

These are the days :) :)
 Have a great weekend!
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