I've seen other people do this and love the idea of a year end review. Instead of writing about my goals, resolutions, etc for 2015 - I thought I'd reflect on all the wonderful that happened to our family in 2014!!
Here's just a little peek at our 2014....
This was my first month as a "stay at home Mom!" I stopped working full-time at Nye {still bitter sweet, such a great place to work!!} and started getting myself and our house ready for a little baby! Ryan completed some house projects and I supervised ;0)

My NJ family surprised me with a fabulous baby shower! We also completed a few more house projects {nesting much?}

This was a big baby month {but not THE month...if you know what I'm saying ;0) } We were blessed with another beautiful baby shower and also got a lot of our baby gear given, bought, assembled, and ready.to.go. this month.!

Welcome to our family Keaton Mark!!
But before his arrival the nursery was finished up, lots more belly pics were taken, my Mom came to stay with us for a bit, and we celebrated Easter!

This month was all about getting used to having a baby in the house :) We had a lot of visitors anxious to meet Mr. K, Ryan & I celebrated 6 years of marriage, and I got to celebrate Mother's Day as a MOM!
WOW! Another big month for us! Keaton took his first road trip to Jersey to celebrate Pop-Pop's retirement, Ryan spent his first Father's Day as a DAD, and Keaton grew and grew!! We also found out that Keaton did NOT have any genetic disorders!
Can you say....beach week?!? And 4th of July! AND Keaton's first trip to North Carolina! It was a pretty packed month, but we had the best time! We're half-way through summer here and it's already the best one ever!
Except maybe when this happened. Did you all know about our baked bean situation? We were on our way to a friend's house for 4th of July and Ryan took a hard turn out of our development and which point this happened in the back seat:
He looked back and kept saying "it's not good...it's really not good." I opened the back door and basically peed my pants because I was laughing so hard. That was in someone's driveway too - nice, huh? Nothing says Happy 4th like a pile of baked beans splattered on the blacktop.

And I thought last month was busy! We started the month off with a bang! Ryan's sister, Shannon, got married, I turned 30 the very next day, and then we took an 8 day road trip with a 4 month old :) Oh! And Keaton "ran" his first 5K {which I'm still proud I finished}!
We started to wind down a little from a very busy summer! Keaton found his hands, ROLLED OVER, and took another trip to see his Grammy & Pop Pop in NC! I fell in love with him {and his Daddy} more and more. I still feel like my heart is constantly on the verge of bursting.
Chomp chomp! A little alligator visited our house this month! We did all things fall! Apple picking, pumpkin picking, running the Apple Trample 5K...you name it! Keaton turned 6 months {okay, I'm crying} and started sitting up on his own :)
Another month big month for us! We got new windows installed in our house and had family pictures taken. Keaton got his first tooth and just in time for turkey too! We spent Thanksgiving with my family in North Carolina and started Christmas celebrations a tad early, which included getting Christmas presents from my parents!! :)

Oh wow! Is it just me or has this been an AMAZING year?!? No better way to end the year than celebrating the birth of our Savior! Keaton started to army crawl, we visited Santa, and celebrated Christmas with Daddy at home and with extended family in New Jersey!

And to think...this next year could be even more exciting...
1 comment:
What an amazing year!
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