We had a fun and busy weekend!
Keaton and I started things off right with a trip to Target. Duh.
I don't post nursing pics {ever}, but these moments I just treasure. Being out with my boy and giving him just what he needs and when he needs it! It's not always this convenient, but we always make it work! Anytime, anywhere!
After a stop at the madhouse, formally known at Target, we checked out Once Upon a Child and stocked up on some great 12 month used clothes! Used clothing stores are always hit or miss....I'd call this a hit!! Notice the brand new overalls with tags?!?
You can see how much Keaton cares about the clothes!
Ryan got out of a work a little early on Friday and then had the weekend off, which instantly made it that much more fabulous!! :)
Keaton and I love having him home! K especially loves the Christmas serenading that happens post-nap....

And story time.
Be still my heart.
On Saturday morning, we headed to NJ to have a nice Christmas lunch with Ryan's extended family! We don't get to these annual lunches as often as we would like, so I'm thankful we made it this year! Keaton did amazing! He missed 2 naps and was around a lot of new people, but still kept it all together. It took all but 2 minutes for him to fall asleep as soon as we started home :)
Sunday was another big day with Ryan's youth group guys Christmas party right after church and then our small group Christmas party. It was so much fun!! We had a "laid back" party {aka pizza and sweets}, but I thought it was perfect! We had to leave a little early, because Keaton needed to go to bed, but we had a blast!
I can't believe Christmas is in just a few days! Eeek! I was in the grocery store today with K-man and basically skipping through the isles. Tis the season! :) :)
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