On our 2nd full day in Maine, we went whale watching in the morning and to Acadia for the afternoon. This was probably my favorite day of our trip :)
I have always wanted to go whale watching - I still can't believe we did it!! It's just one of those things I thought I'd never be able to experience!
The watch was 4 hours in the morning and we lucked out with a beautiful, clear day!

I felt like we kinda took a chance taking Keaton out on a 4 hour boat ride, but it was something Ryan and I really wanted to do and thought it was worth a try!
K-man was amazing, as per his usual. The boat had this great interior space where we kept Keaton most of the time. It was pretty cold on the open ocean, but nice and toasty inside.We were all dressed super warm and much more prepared than we were the day before...even packed lunch :)
Just hanging out before take off...
Heading out to see the whales!
The first whale tail!! I may or may not have cried when I saw it. I honestly just felt so blessed to be able to be there!
Keaton came out a few times to see the whales, but stayed inside the cabin snug as a bug most of the time. Ryan and I took turns staying in with him. I stayed inside a lot at first....the rough ride out didn't agree with my stomach so much. So yeah, definitely didn't eat that lunch. haha
Anyways...K and I kept each other company.
{And honestly, the bib situation. Have you ever tried to put a bib over a hoodie? It's ridiculous.}
And now for a few whale tails!!
Love my honey!
We headed back to the hotel so Keaton could take a nice nap....and I could get my land legs back, then went to Acadia!
There is an awesome gravel trail called Carriage Road that is used for walking, bikes, horses, sometimes carriages, and in our case, a stroller!
I think the loop we did was a little over 5 miles.
I loved strolling with my guys! Ryan and I chatted and took in the views :)

Keaton LOVED looking at the trees! He watched them the entire time :) Ryan said " looks like he's going to be an outdoors kinda guy."
I'm thinking for as much as he likes the outdoors, this smile is due to the simple fact that he's wearing a circle monogrammed bib. In the woods. He can thank his Mommy for that later.
After dinner, I was ready to get back to the hotel and go straight to bed. Except we had this ginormous big moth waiting to eat us in our room.
The extra high ceiling didn't do us any favors. I crouched in the corner while Ryan tried to save me and after it flew to the dead center of the room I informed all that could hear "I would not be sleeping in the room until that moth was g.o.n.e." At which point, Ryan pulled out his stellar ninja skills and nailed the stinker with his shoe.
Seriously though, there were wing parts everywhere {except my side of the bed, because there's no way I'd sleep in a bed with moth wing parts.}
Our time in Bar Harbor went so quickly! We decided when our kids can ride bikes we'll go back and take on many many more trails!!
Next up: Rhode Island and Connecticut! Our journey home begins!
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